Nvidia is an evergreen name imprinted in the minds of a person even remotely related to computer gaming. It has been evident from recent developments that gaming has always been taken at a different level only because of Nvidia. It is a graphics processing chip manufacturer that makes possible the high-end gaming, virtualization, video processing, and heavy tasks which are not possible by the central processing unit like cryptocurrency mining and brute-forcing. Nvidia has baffled everyone with one of its innovations of tracing an actual person and his actions and feeding the data into the game into the playing character and enhancing the overall experience.

On one hand, we saw the tech giant which has dominated its niche single-handedly and will do so in the coming years to come. Though it faced a bit of competition in computer chips from AMD they stand nowhere near in different innovations Nvidia has done. Just like Nvidia has made its impact on chip manufacturing, similarly, Mercedes Benz stands side by side in its own automobile manufacturing.

Mercedes-Benz Car

Their rivals BMW and intel have also joined up to create a fully or even a semi-autonomous vehicle. Expected to be fully developed by 2024 having been based on the computer system-on-chip "Orin" which has reportedly been capable of 200 billion operations per second which can be considered groundbreaking for a simple chip.

 The chip is supposed to be fully armored with all software for automated driving from address to address. The special feature of on-the-air Softwares which is predominant on smartphones will be used in these special car software updates. The region of sales is very limited as to the data fed will be hard to collect for all the places for its artificial neural network. safety will be the most prioritized issue for this car.

With these two giants teamed up, one can stay assured of some astonishing results.