In this modern-day, one has to be living under a rock to not know what PUBG is. Inspired by the Japanese film "Battle Royale" it has brought a revolutionary change in not only gaming but lifestyle itself. It has allowed players to go beyond their original limits in India. Finally one can hope to become a professional gamer around here which wasn't even considered a profession a few years ago.

PUBG has affected the whole of India directly or indirectly, players live to stream their games and earn, more than a thousand such accounts have come up during this time, and professional players. Meanwhile, the game is all about strategy, it doesn't matter if you're playing for a year or a day, it's all same for everyone.

There are skins in the game but its just materialistic and doesn't affect the overall experience of the game. There had always been games everywhere but the experience wasn't as such. Before PUBG the games were always based on levels or pay to win scenarios was there but PUBG not only brought lifelike graphics but mostly equality for all.

PUBG now has four different maps namely Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, and Vikendi. Erangel being the eldest of them all is an all-time favorite for most because of its multi-terrain nature and combat consisting of all ranges and not ignoring the fact that its the default map for everyone. While there have been many stories behind its origin but the nuclear power plant leak is considered as its backstory, well that's a story for another time. Getting back to the second map i.e Miramar, snipers love this map because of it being the largest of all and combat consisting of mostly long-range fights with designated marksman rifles like SLR, SKS, Mini14 and bolt action snipers like the Kar98k, M24, AWM. Miramar needs the highest recoil control skills because it's not every time that you'll get a sniper. The third is the Sanhok which is full of snakes because of its high density of grasses. Forth and the last is Vikendi, the snow map which specializes in mid-range combat.

Where other games ignored gun graphics and their recoil PUBG excelled in giving a brief idea about what fighting is. Every once in awhile we often see PUBG hosting tournaments we can see that every squad tries to acquire as many vehicles as possible. In this post, I'm going to talk about one of them and will follow up with the expectation reality scenario of vehicles in PUBG.

There are many vehicles in PUBG like UAZ, Dacia, Motorcycle, Buggy, BRDM, Sidecar motorcycle, PG-117, pickup truck, van, etc.

In this article, we'll talk about the Dacia 1300-

One is the most widely available vehicles is the Dacia 1300, it can be found easily on the roadside vehicle spawn locations or at different garages. It has three predominant variants i.e red, blue, and white. The maximum capacity of four is good for flat plains with a maximum speed of 139 Km/hr. Well, one thing we all have been doing wrong is firstly its pronunciation. It is generally pronounced as "da-see-uh" but the actual is "da-chi-uh". It is a medium-sized family car made by Romanian carmaker Dacia during the cold war. It is an Erangel exclusive vehicle. The first Dacia dates back to 23 August 1969. Romanian government wanted to decrease dependency on the global market so it wanted to produce a car suitable enough for one family and engine displacing not more than 1.3L. Offers came from multiple automobile companies but Renault was the chosen one not only because it met the demands but to cultivate a good relationship with western Europe, especially France.
Parts of the resulting vehicle was sold in South America, China, Canada, North Korea, Great Britain, Netherlands, and Denmark. All this resulted in the Dacia 1100 before the final arrival of Dacia 1300. Initially, the plant in Romania just assembled the CKD kits imported from France.
In the game now we can apply various skins and make the car look even more customized and premium.


At that time, the Dacia 1300 offered more than what was considered standard requirements for safety, performance, and most importantly reliability. Although fuel efficiency and performance were improved the basic design remained the same in its 35-year lifespan.


SOURCE: youtube channel "deadly ALIEN"
Quality degraded to a great extent when CKD kits imports were stopped.
Body corrosion became a primary issue. Air conditioning, airbags, and anti-lock brakes were never offered. Later in 1989, Dacia 1310 was launched which resembled a lot with the 1300 but none made an impact anywhere near to the Dacia 1300. And hence the Dacia made its entry into the game for remembering its advancement at its time. It was used in countless games, some of the popular ones among them were Need For Speed and Grand Theft Auto.